Cristina Anderson

Cristina Anderson

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Cristina Anderson

How to Set Up A Canopy By Yourself? A Detailed Guide

What could be more frustrating than going out camping and realizing that you do not know how to set up a canopy by yourself? Setting up a large canopy tent and properly securing it is the ideal way to ensure a great outdoor event experience, whether with your family or friends.

Cristina Anderson

Do Coffee Grounds Repel Earwigs? - Controlling Pests

As gardeners, we are always looking for new ways to keep pests away from our plants and gardens. One topic that pops up a lot is whether or not coffee grounds can help repel pests. Did you know that coffee grounds can help you repel earwigs?

Cristina Anderson

How To Make A Fire Burn Hotter?

Campfire is one of the best and most mandatory parts of the trip if you are camping. It makes your trip a hundred times better, especially when camping in winter.

Cristina Anderson

Average Ape Index - How Does It Affect The Climbers?

The ape index impacts the overall performance of climbers, but it is not the only factor in determining how good a mountaineer will be. An analytical interpretation of different professionals' ape indexes will tell us the average ratio of this factor.

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