Poor support, and tight, and flat shoes may lead to ankle joint soreness. So, choosing proper athletic footwear will surely prevent such bitter experiences.  

If you're struggling with 'can shoes cause ankle pain?', you are on the right track. Keep scrolling down to explore all facts about this query. If you're confused about what to wear under ski pants, you may read our guide to get the idea.

Can Shoes Cause Ankle Pain? - How to Fix It?

Depending on the kind of shoes, different brands give special attention to cushioning, support, and foot comfort. They aim to make the footwear supportive and comfortable for the feet.

However, sometimes you may invest in poor supportive, and less comforting shoes. It will lead to ankle pain, foot toes soreness, and other troubles while climbing or running.  

However, certain tips can help you avoid such irritations. Here are some facts about why shoes cause ankle pain and tips to fix it.

Why Your Shoes Cause Ankle Pain?

Why Your Shoes Cause Ankle Pain

If you are an athlete, a hiker, or an adventurer suffering from severe ankle pain, your shoes may be the cause. Yes, poor footwear support causes certain issues; such soreness is one of them.

Let's see how your shoes can lead to aching ankles.

Poor Fit Shoes

Poor Fit Shoes

If your shoes don't fit your feet, you'll suffer greatly from this issue. Both too-loose and tight footwear will cause ankle pain.

Both loose and tight shoes don't provide enough support to the ankle joints, leading to particular ankle soreness. This situation will lead to a remarkable change in your walking style.

Moreover, an aching ankle will not let you perform properly, and you may fall while climbing with such shoes. So, poor-fit footwear is one of the major reasons for ankle soreness.

Old Shoes

Old Shoes

A pair of shoes that fits well to your feet for one year may not accommodate well after a few months. Yes, as your footwear ages, it will start irritating your feet.

So, old shoes are another reason for ankle soreness. If the same is true, replace your shoes, and you'll feel much better.

You may also like to check out our guide about how to stop leather shoes from squeaking

Flat Shoes

Flat Shoes

You may wonder, 'can flat shoes cause ankle pain?'. The shoe arch provides enough support for a comfortable walk.

Some shoes come with a poor arch or no arch at all. It will result in poor ankle support, and hence your ankle will start aching.

Shoes Don't Fit the Job

Shoes Don't Fit the Job

Are you planning to use the same shoes for all your tasks, including jogging, running, climbing, and so on?

You are wrong.

Different tasks need a different foot support type. For instance, you can't wear high heels for an extended time. The same is the case for other activities.  

So, always choose the best shoes that fit well for your job. If you succeed in choosing the right footwear, you can avoid the possibility of ankle pain.

Not Wearing the Supports

Not Wearing the Supports

Mostly, shoes demand a proper support plan for a comfortable experience. Your ankle and other foot parts will suffer if you don't abide by the prescribed demands and rules.

So, always adhere to a proper support plan using a brace or orthotics. It will also relieve ankle pain.

Weight Limit For Air Mattress - All You Need To Know
When it comes to camping, one of the most important things to consider is your sleeping setup. After all, you want to be comfortable when you are out in the wilderness! One popular option for campers is an air mattress.

How to Treat Aching Ankles?

If you unknowingly purchased the wrong shoes that resulted in ankle soreness, don't panic. You can easily treat your aching ankle joints with a couple of methods.

Here are the most effective ways to relieve your ankle soreness.

Using Anti-Inflammatory Medicines

Using Anti-Inflammatory Medicines

If you are suffering from ankle inflammation, you will need proper medication to reduce the swelling. Different anti-inflammatory medicines can help you treat your inflamed ankle joint.

Purchase any anti-inflammatory ointment and use it regularly. You'll feel much better after a few uses. However, if you don't notice any healing, consult your doctor for further treatment and medication.  

Through Physical Therapy

Through Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a perfect way to relieve body pains. You can also opt for it if you suffer from ankle pain due to your poor supportive shoes.

You will feel comfortable after the very first ankle therapy as it is an effective way to get rid of body pains. If you can't manage it on your own, hiring a professional therapist will be great for you.

Go For a Steroid Injection

Go For Steroid Injection

Steroid injection, also called cortisone shot, is another proven method to eliminate ankle pain immediately. It helps reduce ankle swelling, stiffness, and soreness.

The cortisone shot is just like the natural hormones and stops inflammation in any part of the body; the ankle is no exception. It is one of the best immediate treatments for ankle pain that is non-surgical and non-invasive.  

Also, See How to Turn Yellow Shoes into White Again

Use of Regenerative Medicines

Use of Regenerative Medicines

Another effective way to treat ankle soreness is by using regenerative medicines. These medicines work for the restoration of your tissues and organic functions after damage or disease.

You can go for prescribed regeneration medicines if you are also suffering from ankle pain. This treatment will let you enjoy the rest of your adventure or camping trip.  

You May Also Like to Visit: Can Shoes Cause Ankle Pain?

Use Braces

 Use Braces

Braces, also known as ankle foot orthotics, are very effective in ankle pain treatment. These support your feet and relieve the soreness resulting from poor supportive shoes.

If you are suffering from ankle soreness, use ankle foot orthotics. These will help you maintain your balance by supporting your feet.

How to Choose the Perfect Athletic Shoes?

No matter you are an athlete, an adventurer, a hiker, or perform any other challenging role, investing in the perfect pair of shoes means a lot to you. So, before purchasing shoes for you, ask these questions and get their answers from yourself.

  • For which role are you purchasing shoes?
  • Do you need flat shoes or supportive ones?
  • Do you need a high or low arch?
  • Will you need ankle foot orthotics for your shoes or not?

By answering all these questions, you can land the best pair of shoes for you. So, always invest in the best pair of shoes to avoid the post-purchasing inconvenience.

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When it comes to camping, one of the most important things to consider is your sleeping setup. After all, you want to be comfortable when you are out in the wilderness! One popular option for campers is an air mattress.


Different reasons may lead to acute ankle pain; poor footwear is one of those causes. You need shoes with a proper arch to support your feet for different roles.

But a poor supportive pair of shoes will cause trouble during hiking, a game, or any other role you are performing. A simple answer to the query “Can shoes cause ankle pain?” is yes.

So, always look for footwear that fits your feet well. If you unknowingly landed the wrong choice, you will have to suffer during your outdoor activities and games.

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